
Integrated rollups for roller shutters cassettes

The Roll-Infly system is a rollup vertical flyscreen to be integrated into the cassette of roller shutters. It consists of the preloading device with the spring connected to one of the roller shutter end caps, and the neutral pin with AQUS brake connected to the opposite roller shutter end cap. The retractable end pin and the one-direction spring charge make the integration easy and fast: else than other existing similar devices, the Roll-Infly spring is charged before the insertion of the tube into the roller shutter cassette. Pre-charge, insert, remove, and insert again the tube with the mesh as many times as you need; the spring remains always charged. The Roll-Infly kit can be completed with the supply of different types of Genius mesh on tube in 6 meters long bars. Different size and shapes of the tube and a big variety of possible meshes available.

Profiles Sections


Max dimensions in mm

Vertical windows





To choose the type of mesh that best suits your needs, we invite you to visit the specific section.
> Visit mesh for flyscreen page


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